Monday, 25 July 2011

Diary of a Whingeing Parent

25/07/2011  5:19pm

Well, I get sick of ranting and raving on Facebook, so I'm going to do it here instead! That way the only people that will ever actually read this will stumble onto it by accident.

Miss M, the stubborn 5 year old, is sitting in front of the heater whingeing that she's cold. Maybe that's because she's refusing to get her pyjamas on, so she's sitting there in nothing but leggings? She was given 2 choices - get your pyjamas on, or go to bed. She's decided to beat up the playpen now, so I'm going to take her back to her room by force.... which means picking her up and dumping her in her room. I've ignored the screaming and complaining for about as long as I can take before I snap. Definitely time to put her to bed. Considering she's also screaming that she wants to go to the park (it's 5:22pm and almost completely dark), I'm definitely not giving into that one. Also not giving in to ANYTHING when she's yelling and screaming hysterically at me.

She's having her behaviour assessed in 2 days' time at school. The health nurse that visits all the schools is going to look into the things that I'm concerned about. She doesn't appear to be able to work out how to be friends with kids, she tends to stand by and watch more than play the games they play - she can't pay attention in class, she's forever watching what the others are doing. She can understand how to do an activity, but when it comes to doing it she doesn't get it even close to right. It's frustrating me, because she's a really nice kid when she wants to be. These screaming fits of hers are really wearing me down, and all I want to do is smack her. Not going to do that though, because it would just make her worse.

Having a stubborn, strong-willed, tantrum-throwing, over-tired 5 year old can really bring out the depression. Sometimes I'd like nothing more than to stick her on a plane to Perth, and make Andrew deal with her for awhile. Personally I think he's got off lightly so far, I've never asked anything of him - money, support, spending time with his kid.... I've never asked for anything. But times like these make me wonder WHY I let him off so easy. Probably because I have Ash. He's the most supportive guy on the planet, and if he was here I wouldn't be dealing with her right now. Partly because she doesn't act up like this when he's home, and partly because he would be the one dealing with her.

Okay, no more time to write at the moment, time to get the Feral to bed. CJ is already in bed, so it's definitely time to get M to bed.

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