I'm feeling like crap. I've been up since 5am with what feels like Gastro.
I've been puking, and stuck in the toilet between 530 and 7am.
It's now nearly 2:30pm. I'm still feeling like crap. And I have an extra child that I said I'd mind. Her parents didn't get the hint when I said I was feeling crap and that they probably shouldn't bring their child here. I even went into detail about what was wrong. The response was that they didn't care if she got sick, the father was sick with the same thing anyway. Not what I was trying to say, guys. Was trying to say NO.
Fortunately, this child is a nice kid. She's easy to look after. Her and Miss M play together pretty well most of the time.
This is NOT one of those days.
Master C, who is now thankfully in bed for a nap, has been getting into mischief. I've put him in the playpen, which Miss M decides to let him out of without telling me. He's pulled down the oven door and stood on it to get to the grill so that he can pull all the foil off the tray. This is the kid who 3 days ago got his first concussion, and then made it worse the next day by falling on his head again. Wonderful.
He's also managed to find my pots and pans, which while I don't usually mind him doing that because they can't hurt him much, the sounds of them bashing and crashing is enough to make me snap.
But I don't snap, I calmly take him out of the kitchen (me calm, him screaming and trying to bite me) and distract him with other toys.
Miss M, who usually enjoys playing with her friend Miss K, has decided to be a complete and utter monster. She won't share, she insists on running around the house half-naked (without a t-shirt on), and won't stop trying to get my attention by being a pest.
Miss K is slighly better. She's not outright defying me, but she insists on giving a commentary throughout the movie I've put on because the silence is worse than the movie. And the "M did this, M did that, yeah M you need to do what your mum tells you".... enough already! I tell M off for something, K puts her two cents in.
I rather politely told them that I'm not feeling well and told them they HAD to go play in the toyroom instead of sitting in the parents' retreat with me. They are now playing nicely together with a toy dragon of Master C's.
Miss M is managing to push every single button I have today. I'm thinking it's because I'm sick, becaue I usually do have quite a bit more tolerance than I do today.
They say people with Aspergers have harsh reactions to certain sounds. But one of those sounds, in my case, is the sound of my daughter's nasal voice. How the Hell can I deal with THAT?
With the patience and tolerance I've tried to show her so far.
Now the kids are either asleep (Master C) or playing down in Miss M's room (M and K)....
now for some peace and quiet until they decide they need to bug me more.
I wish I was feeling better, because usually I quite like having Miss K over. She's a nice kid, well mannered, and her and Miss M get along well. But ... I'm not coping today. At least they've settled down into their game now :)
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