Saturday, 11 February 2012

When does "a lot" become "too much" ?

    So I'm currently studying a full-time bookkeeping course online from home, and I've just enrolled in Certificate IV in Disability Services. I have a toddler home full-time, and a 6 year old in Grade 1 at primary school.
All the housework is my responsibility (I'm a bit of a control freak), and I do get behind on it a lot of the time.

I need routine to function, yet don't seem to have the ability to get myself INTO one to start with, which I think is why I'm finding it so difficult.

My fiancee believes that it's "not the right time" to take on the Cert IV. I disagree.
Cooper is home full-time, possibly an issue. Miss M is at school full time, so that should help. And yes, I do get behind on the housework - but that's because I don't believe I'm busy enough.

Yes, I know - it's slightly odd. Taking on more because you don't get your current workload done. But I've always functioned better the busier I am. And I figure, what the Hell. Stimulating my brain a bit more can only be a good thing.

Do you think I've taken on too much?

1 comment:

  1. Can you let me know what you think of the Cert IV in Disability, because I'm seriously thinking of doing it mid-year and going back to the work I love.
