So I'm currently studying a full-time bookkeeping course online from home, and I've just enrolled in Certificate IV in Disability Services. I have a toddler home full-time, and a 6 year old in Grade 1 at primary school.
All the housework is my responsibility (I'm a bit of a control freak), and I do get behind on it a lot of the time.
I need routine to function, yet don't seem to have the ability to get myself INTO one to start with, which I think is why I'm finding it so difficult.
My fiancee believes that it's "not the right time" to take on the Cert IV. I disagree.
Cooper is home full-time, possibly an issue. Miss M is at school full time, so that should help. And yes, I do get behind on the housework - but that's because I don't believe I'm busy enough.
Yes, I know - it's slightly odd. Taking on more because you don't get your current workload done. But I've always functioned better the busier I am. And I figure, what the Hell. Stimulating my brain a bit more can only be a good thing.
Do you think I've taken on too much?
Can you let me know what you think of the Cert IV in Disability, because I'm seriously thinking of doing it mid-year and going back to the work I love.