Friday, 30 December 2011

Head Lice Central

    It's Head Lice Central here after Miss M's 6th birthday party last night.
One of the mums invited mentioned that her kids had been treated for head lice the night before. I felt pretty bad, because I'm a bit slack with checking Maddison's hair. So this morning I checked her hair, and was VERY surprised to see a few adults and hundreds of babies. Crap.
     She's currently sitting on the couch watching Rio and waiting for the solution to do it's thang.
I had one adult myself yesterday, but haven't had any others. I went through my head with a fine tooth comb (literally!), and there's nothing but dandruff (something that I've always been very prone to). So it's just Madd.
I may have to check Master C's hair when he wakes up from his nap.
     I'm wondering how often other parents check their kids' hair for lice. Madd hadn't been scratching at ALL, which is why I hadn't even thought about checking her hair. If I ever see her scratching her head, I always check her. But I'm wondering if maybe I should get into a routine of checking it once week or something.
     Lice are frustrating little critters. They breed like rabbits. In fact, I'm thinking that saying should be changed to say "They breed like lice". Because let's face it - lice breed WAY better than rabbits! You start with once lice, and suddenly you have a whole tribe of lice all dancing around like it's 1999.
     So today will be a nice quiet day at home, just the kids and I. Until our friends L & S and S's daughter K come around for dinner at around 5.30pm. They're awesome people, and they raise K pretty much the same way we believe in raising our kids. So we get along pretty well.
    Time to go wash out the solution, wish me luck!

Thursday, 29 December 2011

Growing up.... or not

    Just when I love the way my daughter is behaving, she goes and does something stupid that makes me realise she's still a little kid, despite the way she sometimes acts.
She decided to draw all over a reading book of hers with a marker pen of mine.
She dragged her finger through the icing on her cake because she had to taste it (never mind that I'd given her the bowl to lick out). She's giving me attitude, and telling me that she's going to kill me.

     It's been a fun day today. Mass amounts of cleaning and housework, a 6 year old with a major attitude problem, and a toddler who just wants freedom (which is NOT going to happen while I'm trying to clean up, thank you very much).

     Sometimes being a parent is a blessing. Some days it just sucks. And when you call your mother for emotional support, you get told "Oh, well you were worse as a child", proceeds to tell me of all my fuckups when I was a child, then that she's too busy to talk, and hangs up! Well thanks a lot, Mum.
Seriously. Very helpful, not. I am hanging on by a thread.
The joys of being a person with depression, and trying to cope without medication. It's not easy.
Some people say that I should just stay on the meds then. Forever? Really? I don't WANT to be on them forever. I want to be able to cope all by myself without needing medication to level me out.
     But sometimes it really would be easier to stay on them. I'm cruising along quite fine and then it all catches up with me and I snap. Like today.
The Cake Incident, coupled with the Marker Pen incident, add to that the fact that I had a late night and an early morning and did NOT sleep well, and having a 6 year old screaming at me that I don't listen and that she wants to kill me, a toddler who is screaming at me because he's thrown his lunch all over the just-cleaned floor and wants OUT of the high chair.... I'm ready to cry.

     Sometimes emotions just catch up on you. I've come to the realisation that I want to settle down, and enjoy family life, and enjoy my kids, but sometimes I just don't know how. I don't have the tools to deal with it. I don't know how to placate a screaming angry 6 year old without giving in to her unreasonable demands. I could say "To hell with the clean house" and let my toddler run amok. It would certainly stop the screaming, but it would be counterproductive.

      So now I go to pick up my other half from work, and let him deal with the kids while I finish the house.
I feel like a single parent a lot of the time. I know he needs to work, and he's GREAT when he's actually here. But sometimes life just takes its toll. It's not fair, and it sucks.  But that's the way it is.

     There are people in my life I'd like to reconnect with, people who used to mean a lot to me and disappeared out of my life for one reason or another. T, who showed me that I could have a wild time for awhile but that I wanted more from life than thrillseeking and drinking. L, who was an amazing friend to me but then realised he was WAY better off without me. P, who made my life much more bearable for a short time but then made it so much worse.....

So time to get off the computer, and deal with reality as it stands. A screaming toddler, a screaming 6 year old, and a messy house. Thanks reality. I'm coming back.

Motivation - or lack thereof

    SO...... today is Miss M's 6th birthday. She's about as motivated as I am. She got up this morning, opened 2 of her 3 presents, and said "I'll open the last one later."
I've baked her cake, set up her keyboard, put away a few dishes... that's about all the productive stuff I've done today.
I still have to clean the toilet and bathroom, laundry, Miss M's bedroom, mop the floors, vacuum, finish the dishes, set up the food for tonight.... so much to do, and I'm sitting on the computer writing my blog.

     I have also fed Master C his morning tea and lunch, played with him when he was getting cranky, played the keyboard with Miss M to help her enjoy her birthday, saved the cake when it nearly hit the deck because Miss M scared the CRAP out of me when she turned the volume right up on her keyboard microphone and yelled into it.
     It makes me wonder how motivated people become so motivated. Are they born like that, or do they have to re-motivate themselves every now and then. Because I've never really been all that motivated to do anything. Especially cleaning. Sorting, I'm GREAT at. But cleaning - I'm also great at, but I have a lot of trouble getting started.
     I wonder if there is ANY way to get myself motivated and into a good routine of housework, kid-stuff, and cooking. Because right now, I feel very unmotivated.

The Twelve Days of Christmas (written by me)

On the first day of Christmas, my children gave to me
A smelly smelly smelly Number 3

On the second day of Christmas, my children gave to me
Two broken plates
and a smelly smelly smelly Number 3

On the third day of Christmas, my children gave to me
Three trashed rooms
Two broken plates
and a smelly smelly smelly Number 3

On the fourth day of Christmas, my children gave to me
Four kicked shins
Three trashed rooms
Two broken plates
and a smelly smelly smelly Number 3

On the fifth day of Christmas, my children gave to me
Five Swear Words
Four kicked shins
Three trashed rooms
Two broken plates
And a smelly smelly smelly Number 3

On the sixth day of Christmas, my children gave to me
Six broken DVDS
Five Swear Words
Four kicked shins
Three trashed rooms
Two broken plates
And a smelly smelly smelly Number 3

On the seventh day of Christmas, my children gave to me
Seven hours of sleep
Six broken DVDs
Five Swear Words
Four kicked shins
Three trashed rooms
Two broken plates
And a smelly smelly smelly Number 3

On the eighth day of Christmas, my children gave to me
Eight temper tantrums
Seven hours of sleep
Six broken DVDs
Five Swear Words
Four kicked shins
Three trashed rooms
Two broken plates
And a smelly smelly smelly Number 3

On the ninth day of Christmas, my children gave to me
Nine fits of giggles
Eight temper tantrums
Seven hours of sleep
Six broken DVDs
Five Swear Words
Four kicked shins
Three trashed rooms
Two broken plates
And a smelly smelly smelly Number 3

On the tenth day of Christmas, my children gave to me
Ten minutes of nagging
Nine fits of giggles
Eight temper tantrums
Seven hours of sleep
Six broken DVDs
Five Swear Words
Four kicked shins
Three trashed rooms
Two broken plates
And a smelly smelly smelly Number 3

On the eleventh day of Christmas, my children gave to me
Eleven wonderful cuddles
Ten minutes of nagging
Nine fits of giggles
Eight temper tantrums
Seven hours of sleep
Six broken DVDs
Five Swear Words
Four kicked shins
Three trashed rooms
Two broken plates
And a smelly smelly smelly Number 3

On the twelfth day of Christmas, my parents gave to me
A whole day's break, YIP-PEE!!!

Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Post Christmas Relaxation

    It's 4 days after Christmas, and I should be relaxed. Instead I'm dreading all the housework I have to do before tomorrow night. Because it's Miss M's 6th birthday.
She's currently glued to the TV, which is where she's spent most of the day. She's still recovering from Christmas. She's been well-behaved today, but she really is exhausted. I figured a day in front of the TV would do her good.

I was reading a blog today.

It's written by a mum with a child named Callum who has autism/is autistic.
I read a particular blog about frustrations with people who stare when their child is having a meltdown.
In my case, I am one of those starers. Not because I am judging the mother, or the child. But because I desperately want to help them both, but have NO idea how to go about it.

Not all those who stare are doing it with judgement. I am one who stares because I study faces. I see every little emotion that passes across people's faces. I study everything - freckles, wrinkles, and fleeting emotions and body language. In my case, I hold eye contact for too long, because I'm so fascinated by how different people's expressions can be.
I often get accused of staring, which can cause a few problems. But I'm not staring to be rude, it's just part of who I am.

I have recently discovered, through long periods of self-analysis and many sessions with a psychologist, that the reason I'm disorganised and chaotic is because that way I am always in a state of discomfort. If I got set into a routine and then that suddenly changed, I would fly off the handle.
I feel things too deeply, I am one of those people in the world who want to help everyone and anyone. And I care WAY too much, which takes its toll on my emotional wellbeing.

I am currently not taking any anti-depressants. After having been on them for months, I decided that I had the necessary tools to cope with any emotions that came my way. So I tentatively went off the Zoloft. I am handling things very well, and I haven't lost my temper at all.
I still get too emotionally attached to people, and still feel the need to help everyone and anyone that I can.
I still have an obsession with Autism, and am learning everything I can about it.
My obsessions at the moment are:
Toilet training

I have packed all the kids' toys into ice cream tubs, and have labelled them. I was amazed at how calm I felt while I was doing it. It was very therapeutic.

So I shall sign off for today in a great mood. I am handling life well, and if anyone has any topics they'd like me to write about, feel free to email me or write a note here. I'd love to hear that at least SOMEONE other than me is reading my blog!

Sunday, 11 December 2011

End of the Year, end of innocence

I have one child about to start Grade 1 at school, and my baby is now a toddler.
I'm feeling very old... I never thought I'd feel old at 28... mind you, when you're a teenager you never think about being 28. 28 seems old when you're under 18.

Miss M has decided that she doesn't want to do afterschool care any more. I put her in afterschool care because she needed an afterschool activity, and she keeps changing her mind about what she wants to do. So I figured she'd get some fun out of it, with the activities they do. She's now decided she's "sick of it", so she won't be doing it next year. I'm disappointed, because I really did enjoy my Mondays and Fridays to myself! Yes, I'm one of those "selfish" parents who enjoys a twice-a-week break from the kiddies. They're very much loved and wanted, but with my depression and everthing that went wrong with Master C's birth, I needed time to recouperate. Now I'm doing a lot better, so I really don't need her in afterschool care twice a week.

My nan was saying to me, the other day, that she's suddenly realised that she's old. She's always felt young, and old age has suddenly crept up on her. She's starting to feel her age now. She's in her eighties.  I guess that's kind of what I'm feeling like now.... I've always felt like a kid, a teenager. And now suddenly I'm feeling more like an adult. It's scary!

Master C will still be going to creche on Mondays and Fridays, it's good for him to have the social interaction. Not to mention the fact that I'm still trying to complete my bookkeeping course, and it's very hard to study with a toddler underfoot.

Saturday, 10 December 2011


It's been pretty chaotic here with Christmas and Miss M's birthday coming  up. I still find it hard to believe that she's almost 6. It doesn't feel like it's been that long. And yet some days it feels like so much longer than that!

I'm looking at my carpet, and realising it desperately needs a damn good vacuum. I just haven't found the motivation to do it yet. I could do it now, but I'll use the excuse that Miss M is watching a movie.
Tangled. Yet again. She never gets tired of this. "I want to watch Rapunzel" she says. So we watch it. Again. And again. It's actually a nice break from The Sound Of Music, which has been played every day for the last month or so. Fortunately I'm a big fan of musicals, so I quite enjoy The Sound Of Music.
We're all organised here for Christmas, the presents are under the tree - the "other" presents are hidden well. My shed is pretty full with Christmas presents. I know Santa's bringing some pretty good presents this year, I'm sure of it.
I feel organised, while everyone else is running around madly trying to find presents and do shopping. Ours was done weeks ago, although I've been picking up a few little things here and there as extra presents. I think that's why I enjoy Christmas so much, because it's not stressful if you space it out over a couple of months.
The no-deposit layby/toy sale at Big W helped a LOT, because we bought everything back in July, and just had to pay it off. Plus not as much time that you have to worry about storing it. NEXT year I'm not going to put a layby on, I'm going to buy things as I see them - so I'll have to try and save up a bit throughout the year to cover it. I'm not sure how I'll go, but it might be a little more exciting than paying off a layby!

Friday, 9 December 2011

Today's News

Had breakfast at the restaurant this morning, and Miss M was being a typical 6 year old - she wouldn't sit still or be quiet, she insisted on standing on a chair and singing. There was only one other table sitting outside with us, and we were there first. It makes me wonder if anyone else would have let their kid sing, or tell them to sit down and be quiet.
I chose the latter.

I took the kids to the gym that I belong to and where they also do their swimming lessons.
I got into the pool area, then sent Madd up to the front to ask for the cupboard key so I could get Cooper's floaties out (I'd left them there at swimming without thinking). When the lady came down and told me she didn't have a key to that cupboard, I happened to glance at the booking board for the swimming pool.
"Don't you do family swimming here any more??" I asked. They don't.
Apparently there were too many parents who were letting their kids use the pool without supervising them. So a few idiots have ruined it for the rest of us. I loved the fact that the kids and I could swim there together for free on the weekends. I'm not impressed that they cancelled it. It's one of the main reasons I became a member again.
 Fortunately we got a reprieve, and told we could use the pool one last time. So we enjoyed our swim, and my kids were extremely well behaved.

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Day of Honesty

I'm going to be honest about how my day went. It sucked.
Master C's swimming lesson went well - not great, but okay. He was supposed to have a double lesson (1 hour in total), but after the first lesson he was really really cranky. So we cut it down to just the first lesson, and still have 2 lessons to make up from when Master C was sick.
In C's swimming lesson group, one of the other mums, T, suffers from depression. She's found out she's pregnant again unexpectedly, and she's not particularly happy about it. I'm not sure if she's happy or unhappy about it, she's pretty depressed. When I took C to the playcentre to pay for Miss M's party, they had a book sale, and I saw a cute book with babies in it and funny sayings. I thought of T, and bought the book. It wasn't expensive, but I thought she might like it. So last week at swimming, I slipped the book into her swimbag.

She thanked me this week, she seemed a bit teary when she thanked me. I think she was quite happy to get it. I just wanted to do something simple to cheer her up a little bit.  A random act of kindness :)

The diet has NOT gone so well today. I had no-fat porridge for breakfast, a hot dog for dinner (yes, I know - WAY off the diet!), and fried rice for dinner. In all fairness, Mum was cooking and I didn't want to be rude and say "Hey, I can't eat it". But I haven't had any Coke today (had a couple of Pepsi Max cans and a lot of water), so I figure I'm doing okay. Will get stuck into the diet again tomorrow.
I'm cooking tomorrow night, so I can cook whatever I want.

My cousin-in-law K is coming to dinner, which I'm looking forward to. Have met him a couple of times, but have been speaking to him a lot on Facebook and have had a few laughs.

Miss M has been quite good tonight. She's had a couple of moments, but I haven't lost my temper or yelled, and so she hasn't had meltdowns. It's been almost peaceful. Master C is a fountain at the moment. Or maybe a river. It doesn't matter how short a time he's in a nappy, he soaks right through. 4 wet sheets in 24 hours!

Signing off for the night so that I can get some study done. Bookkeeping course going quite well, I just have to keep soldiering on with it. It's not really what I want to do, but I don't hate it - and carers get paid stuff-all.

Monday, 5 December 2011


Well, today I started off GREAT! I had porridge with no-fat milk.
But at morning-tea time, I picked up a donut and ate half of it without even thinking. It just goes to show how much what we eat is out of habit. So I gave the other half to Cooper. Tonight is at mum's for tea, so I'll be eating fried rice *sigh*
But I intend to be fully committed to it after Christmas. It's going to be very hard to keep it up over the Christmas holidays, but I'm going to do the best I can. Lunch will be vegetables, and tomorrow I shall start again.

Post-Dinner Blues

I've had a grilled chicken breast and a HUGE plate of veggies for dinner. They were delicious, especially dipped in Mint Sauce. However, I'm STARVING!!! I'd kill for something more. But I'm being good.
I'd love to help myself to the ice cream in the freezer... and I think I shall.
I shall start afresh tomorrow. At least I've had a healthy Dukan dinner.... this will be my last dessert for awhile, I shall enjoy it


I've come to one conclusion over the past few months.... I need to start enjoying my life.
And do that, I need to exclude a few people from my life.
The guy who seemed to be my friend for awhile but really wasn't all that great for me.

The family member from my biological family who always felt excluded from my family. Well DER. My parents (my adoptive parents) don't want anything to do with her, she's not their family. So why should this family member expect to be part of my parents' family?  Oh, and being treated like the rich relative just because I'm not single, on welfare, and I don't have 3 kids I can't care for by myself?

But I digress..... time for a change.
I have always been a very honest person, and I refuse to change that. If you don't want to know what I think, don't ask. I am great at keeping my ears open and my mouth shut, that won't change. But if you ask me what I think about something, or if I don't understand something, I won't hesitate to speak my mind.

I am also now starting on the Dukan Diet.
For my first dinner tonight, I'm having grilled chicken and boiled veggies. No potatoes, no carbs. Just lean meat and vegetables. Lots of water. And 20 minutes exercise a day. Every day.

I have recently started talking to a relative on my partner's side.... he is an amazing person - he's led a very colourful life, and suffered consequences from it. I believe he may have depression, but the more I talk to him the more I want to talk to him and get to know him more. I've always felt lonely, like I'm the only one like me in the world. No one else shares my honesty and openness. I'm always open with people, I keep no secrets (other people's yes, but I have no secrets of my own). K has been very interesting to talk to, and I was in a great mood when I'd finished talking to him. Just goes to show that the family-in-law isn't always bad :)