Thursday, 29 December 2011

Motivation - or lack thereof

    SO...... today is Miss M's 6th birthday. She's about as motivated as I am. She got up this morning, opened 2 of her 3 presents, and said "I'll open the last one later."
I've baked her cake, set up her keyboard, put away a few dishes... that's about all the productive stuff I've done today.
I still have to clean the toilet and bathroom, laundry, Miss M's bedroom, mop the floors, vacuum, finish the dishes, set up the food for tonight.... so much to do, and I'm sitting on the computer writing my blog.

     I have also fed Master C his morning tea and lunch, played with him when he was getting cranky, played the keyboard with Miss M to help her enjoy her birthday, saved the cake when it nearly hit the deck because Miss M scared the CRAP out of me when she turned the volume right up on her keyboard microphone and yelled into it.
     It makes me wonder how motivated people become so motivated. Are they born like that, or do they have to re-motivate themselves every now and then. Because I've never really been all that motivated to do anything. Especially cleaning. Sorting, I'm GREAT at. But cleaning - I'm also great at, but I have a lot of trouble getting started.
     I wonder if there is ANY way to get myself motivated and into a good routine of housework, kid-stuff, and cooking. Because right now, I feel very unmotivated.

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