Saturday, 10 December 2011


It's been pretty chaotic here with Christmas and Miss M's birthday coming  up. I still find it hard to believe that she's almost 6. It doesn't feel like it's been that long. And yet some days it feels like so much longer than that!

I'm looking at my carpet, and realising it desperately needs a damn good vacuum. I just haven't found the motivation to do it yet. I could do it now, but I'll use the excuse that Miss M is watching a movie.
Tangled. Yet again. She never gets tired of this. "I want to watch Rapunzel" she says. So we watch it. Again. And again. It's actually a nice break from The Sound Of Music, which has been played every day for the last month or so. Fortunately I'm a big fan of musicals, so I quite enjoy The Sound Of Music.
We're all organised here for Christmas, the presents are under the tree - the "other" presents are hidden well. My shed is pretty full with Christmas presents. I know Santa's bringing some pretty good presents this year, I'm sure of it.
I feel organised, while everyone else is running around madly trying to find presents and do shopping. Ours was done weeks ago, although I've been picking up a few little things here and there as extra presents. I think that's why I enjoy Christmas so much, because it's not stressful if you space it out over a couple of months.
The no-deposit layby/toy sale at Big W helped a LOT, because we bought everything back in July, and just had to pay it off. Plus not as much time that you have to worry about storing it. NEXT year I'm not going to put a layby on, I'm going to buy things as I see them - so I'll have to try and save up a bit throughout the year to cover it. I'm not sure how I'll go, but it might be a little more exciting than paying off a layby!

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