Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Day of Honesty

I'm going to be honest about how my day went. It sucked.
Master C's swimming lesson went well - not great, but okay. He was supposed to have a double lesson (1 hour in total), but after the first lesson he was really really cranky. So we cut it down to just the first lesson, and still have 2 lessons to make up from when Master C was sick.
In C's swimming lesson group, one of the other mums, T, suffers from depression. She's found out she's pregnant again unexpectedly, and she's not particularly happy about it. I'm not sure if she's happy or unhappy about it, she's pretty depressed. When I took C to the playcentre to pay for Miss M's party, they had a book sale, and I saw a cute book with babies in it and funny sayings. I thought of T, and bought the book. It wasn't expensive, but I thought she might like it. So last week at swimming, I slipped the book into her swimbag.

She thanked me this week, she seemed a bit teary when she thanked me. I think she was quite happy to get it. I just wanted to do something simple to cheer her up a little bit.  A random act of kindness :)

The diet has NOT gone so well today. I had no-fat porridge for breakfast, a hot dog for dinner (yes, I know - WAY off the diet!), and fried rice for dinner. In all fairness, Mum was cooking and I didn't want to be rude and say "Hey, I can't eat it". But I haven't had any Coke today (had a couple of Pepsi Max cans and a lot of water), so I figure I'm doing okay. Will get stuck into the diet again tomorrow.
I'm cooking tomorrow night, so I can cook whatever I want.

My cousin-in-law K is coming to dinner, which I'm looking forward to. Have met him a couple of times, but have been speaking to him a lot on Facebook and have had a few laughs.

Miss M has been quite good tonight. She's had a couple of moments, but I haven't lost my temper or yelled, and so she hasn't had meltdowns. It's been almost peaceful. Master C is a fountain at the moment. Or maybe a river. It doesn't matter how short a time he's in a nappy, he soaks right through. 4 wet sheets in 24 hours!

Signing off for the night so that I can get some study done. Bookkeeping course going quite well, I just have to keep soldiering on with it. It's not really what I want to do, but I don't hate it - and carers get paid stuff-all.

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