So I've pushed a few "friends" out of my life lately. I made a conscious decision to be more "choosy" with my friends, and people who I let in my life. After a few toxic friendships, I decided it was something that I needed to do.
Bye A, who has spun me lie after lie, and bullshit excuse after bullshit excuse.
Bye P, who tornadoed into my life and brought a shoulder to cry on, lots of understanding hugs, and unfortunately selfish chaos. I loved you friend, but you brought out the worst in both of us.
I'm trialling a temporary "bye" to my mother - the Queen of Narcissism, and expert on emotional blackmail.
The one who feels the need to override my parenting of my children, and constantly tell me I'm parenting "wrong", and not the way she-herself would do it. Constantly putting me down, and pointing out my faults.
Yes, I know I have crappy people skills. I know that I can be a harsh parent at times, but I want my kids to learn right from wrong, and I ALWAYS explain to the kids why I won't allow a certain behaviour.
I'm black-and-white, I often have trouble seeing the shades. I can always see others' viewpoints, even if I won't back down and agree with them.
SO... just how much is too much forgiveness. How do you handle trying to forgive your mother when she just keeps throwing insults at you and won't accept that, although I may be in the wrong, she is too?
How many times can you handle your self-titled "best friend" lying to you (even white lies) and bullshit excuses before you say "enough"?
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