I am apparently, according to some, the definition of a bad parent. I enjoy my time without my kids, and even though I choose to be a stay-at-home-mum, I love to have a break from them.
I love it when Miss M goes to school, and I used to love it when I had Master C in creche for the day. I had him in childcare 2 days a week, to save my sanity and let me get things done.... like go to the psychologist and get treated for my depression.
But on many online blogs, I have seen people condemn those SAHMs who choose to put their child in childcare even though it's their "career" to look after their kids. And this is something that annoys me.
Even top executives get a break from their job. People who absolutely love their job still need a break. I don't believe there is anything wrong with parents putting their children in childcare one or two days a week. It's good socialisation for the kids, and it gives the parents some down-time.
I lose my temper at the kids sometimes, I don't bath them every night, I don't spend all day playing with them, I put Master C in creche because I needed the break from him, I put Miss M in afterschool care because she needed an afterschool activity and I figured that would give her some variety in activities, and I enjoy time away from my kids.
My toddler is spending a few days at my in-laws' place and gets back tomorrow morning, my 6 year old is about to go to my mum's until Friday. And I don't feel at ALL bad about it, because I know that I am a much happier mum when I've had a break from my kids.
I know people who go to work while their kids are young, and have a complex about being a "bad parent" because they're away from their kids so much. I want to shake those people, and say "Are you kidding?" Because I know how much they adore their children, and their kids are very much loved. As long as you don't over-indulge your children and give them everything they want when you are home with them, there's no harm done. Kids cope quite well with us being at work.
I've been a working mum, who worked full-time. I've been a SAHM (Stay At Home Mum) for quite awhile now. And I have to say that I know I'd rather be at home. But there will come a time when I need to go back to work for financial reasons. And when that time comes, I'll be okay with it.
But for now, I'll stay home and enjoy my kids being young. With the occasional break from them to save my sanity.
All parents need, and enjoy a break from their kids. As you said, even people in paid work need time out, and parenting (which in my opinion SHOULD be paid work) is a 24/7 job. No other career in the world is as demanding or time consuming. Enjoy your breaks, and don't worry, they make you a BETTER parent when the kids come back and you're refreshed from having some "you" time.