At what age do your parents start treating you like an equal adult and not like their chi?
Am I destined to do the same to my kids, or can this cycle be broken?
I love my mother. We argue quite a bit, but I always look forward to going to visit her. Dad treats me like an equal, but Mum constantly treats me like a chIld.
"you're being too harsh on the kids"
"surely she can just have ONE biscuit" (after I've said no non-stop for the past hour!)
"is it such a big deal that she wears that?" (gumboots shorts and no top)
Yes, I could give in. But I've said no, and I'm a big believer in "no is final, and no amount of nagging will change that".
Is it just me, or do everyone's parents do this?
Sorry about the shortness, I'm away for 2 weeks and it takes a lot longer on the iPhone
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